The Tale of the Two Marias

August 7, 2021

The Tale of the Two Marias The Two Marias were two sisters who lived in Santiago de Compostela and became famous in the 1950s and 1960s. They became famous for strolling together every day dressed in an eccentric way and provoking students in their own exquisite way. The sisters, Maruxa and Coralia, are immortalized in a sculpture in the Alameda Park in Santiago de Compostela. They became popular characters in…


Childhood Empathy: Are You Raising a Child who Cares about Others?

April 11, 2021

Childhood Empathy: Are You Raising a Child who Cares about Others? Empathy is a feminine noun. According to the Dictionary: “action to put yourself in someone else’s place. Seeking to act or think the way he would think or act in the same circumstances.” The ability to put oneself in the other’s place does not depend only on genetics. Therefore, it is up to us adults to guide our children…


Franz Kafka and The Traveling Doll

Franz Kafka
March 18, 2021

Franz Kafka and The Traveling Doll This story about a traveling doll from the life of Franz Kafka shows his depth of compassion, the transformative power of grief, and the magical power of storytelling. The Transformative Experience of Grief - Franz Kafka and The Traveling Doll A year before his death, the writer Franz Kafka saw in one of Berlin’s parks, a girl who was desperate because she had lost her doll….