The Tale of the Two Marias

August 7, 2021

The Tale of the Two Marias The Two Marias were two sisters who lived in Santiago de Compostela and became famous in the 1950s and 1960s. They became famous for strolling together every day dressed in an eccentric way and provoking students in their own exquisite way. The sisters, Maruxa and Coralia, are immortalized in a sculpture in the Alameda Park in Santiago de Compostela. They became popular characters in…


The Rise of Fantastic Realism in Visual arts

Fantastic Realism in painting
March 17, 2021

The Rise of Fantastic Realism in Painting and Other Artistic Manifestations The term “Fantastic Realism” or “Magic Realism” came up in 1925, when art critic Franz Roh used it to speak of a trend or trend in German painting and Cultural scene. Even before Hitler’s fascist rule, some artists were painting canvases that mixed fantastic and realistic elements. Usually, they represented common scenarios that were crossed by, at least, an…